Lata Lincoln Ministries

Reaching Souls for Jesus!!
Love India!!

india girl worship in prayer

Love India!

Connecting Souls to the Creator!

The population of India according to the last census in July of 2021 was 1.4 billion people. Of those 1.4 billion people, over 400 million are children under the age of 14 years old. We have surpassed China as the most populated country in the world.

india bible school

Children's Ministries

Our heavenly Father has all the expertise required in turning the desperate & broken down lives of children into powerful leaders who would change the course of history!

india sewing machine ministry

Empowering Widows

We offer a six months school of tailoring giving widows sewing machines at the end of the course.

india vbs

Sharing the Gospel

With six hundred village congregations and 10,000 believers gathering in rented houses, under trees and worshipping their God and Father filled with unspeakable joy.

WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT - Let us speak faith to you!

This week's word of encouragement speaks to us about genuine Chrisitianity.

From 1 John we can see that there are three tests that prove the genuineness of Christianity:

1- The test of belief. 2- The test of obedience. 3- The test of love.

Do you pass these tests? If not, you need to seek the Lord with all your might and ask Him for directions, then do it. This is a new era. God is looking at us and testing us individually before corporately. Blessings.

Please feel free to contact us via our prayer request form to let us know if you need prayer or are seeking encouragement about a specific situation you are facing. We believe in the power of prayer and speaking faith.

Immediate Need!

Please pray and ask the Lord if you can help!

We are in desperate need of Bibles and supplies for this years VBS. Our VBS programs reach tens and hundreds of thousands of kids with the gospel. You can help with a small one time donation. Anything helps and will go to support the needs of the VBS. If you would like to give more specifically, Bibles are $5 each in our native language. Thank you so much for your love and compassion for the souls of India. May God open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing for you!

lata award
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