From the Founder's Heart - Lata Lincoln

"My life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus" Acts 20:24

lata founder image 2

Greetings and welcome to the world of Faith Welfare Society! It's 36 years of serving the heart of the Father. I am very excited to look forward in anticipation of greater things God has in store for us!

The mission the Lord God has entrusted me with is to stand for the lost souls fighting the ruthless demons of hell for the deliverance of masses of children, women, and people who are bound in the shackles of ignorance. The anointing of God on me compels me to strive to bring radical change in the lives of people waking them up to the knowledge of the Holy, which is, man is created to be a royalty to live a life of overcoming enabled by the grace of God and thereby becoming a threat to the devil and destroying all his schemes without being neutralized by the system he has developed. The mentality of a victim should be transformed into a mentality of sheer confidence in the love of God and His goodness whereby we are changed. This confidence should then propel us with momentum forward and help us to champion the very cause for which we are born!

I am thankful to God who makes no provision less for me in accomplishing the mission. I thank you for taking time to read my heart! Wake up my friend! You are destined to be a winner!

May God bless you and make you and enforcer of 'the overcoming'!

Lata Lincoln Ministries

India for Jesus!

The call to child evangelism!

She slammed the door on the face of the evangelist who tried to talk to her about God, but something he said made her open the door and welcome him inside.....What did he say?

I want to tell you about the living God! Lata Lincoln was twenty-one years old. She never wanted another child to have to wait so many years to hear about the true and living God.

childrens ministry info page

Sponsor an orphan and protect their destiny by giving them a good, Godly education.

Comprehensive care of an orphan costs only $50/month which includes room and board, clothing, clean water, and education.

Sharing the good news of the gospel!

The Living God

Lata Lincoln sought God from her childhood in Hindu deities, but did not find him, so she became an atheist.




Later in college she became a staunch evoluntionist. Life took turns and her dream of becoming a medical doctor shattered. She ended up becoming a home maker and a mother of two girls. This is when the evangelist appeared on her door and said, "He is the living God!" This phrase attracted her, and ultimately led to her salvation.

The first thing that happened to her when she got saved was that she questioned the Lord, "Why did I have to wait so long to hear the good news of Christ?!" Thus the desire for Child evangelism was born.

Other ways to Partner with us!

support village pastor (2)

Support a Village Pastor

Support a village pastor and help reach the unreached villages and also mentor believers.

Just $50 a month helps families to sustain and move forward for Jesus.

You can also purchase a bike to aid in travel between villages.

support an orphan (3)

Support weekly kid's clubs

Help reach millions of children and disciple them through weekly Kid's clubs. Weekly we are reaching over 1 million children for Jesus!

Just $50 a month would help club's coordinators to reach out into new neighborhoods for Jesus.

india sewing machine ministry (2)

Support the Widows

By supporting the widows, you are helping a forgotton and uncared for portion of the population to earn bread for their families. Widows are school and certified in tailoring schools.

Each sewing machine cost $150.

church planting (2)

Help spread the gospel

There are 400,000+ unreached villages who have not heard the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Just $100 a month helps us do the evangelistic activites like crusades, film festivals, and door to door, person to person evangelism.

What we Believe!

We believe in only one true God; One in essence, nature, and attributes, but existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (1 John 5:7).

We believe that all of Scripture (i.e. both the Old and New Testament) is verbally inspired by God, and is our final authority in all matters pertaining to doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16,17).

We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, of His shed blood on Calvary for the forgiveness of our sins, of His bodily resurrection and ascension to the Father’s right hand. We do not believe that He is a way to the Father, but rather the only way through which we can receive righteousness, regeneration, sanctification, and glorification. He is, in fact, our salvation (1 Corinthians 1:30-31).

We believe that all who, in repentance and faith, receive the Lord Jesus as Saviour and Lord are born again (Acts 20:20-21Romans 10:9-13).

We believe in the baptism with the Holy Spirit, expressed with speaking in tongues according to Acts 1:82:49:1710:44-4611:15-16; and 19:6. We believe this experience is distinct from, and subsequent to, the new birth, and can be received by faith (Galatians 3:2).

We believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the cross has provided healing for the human body (Matthew 8:16-17Isaiah 53:41 Peter 2:24).

We believe in a literal, physical second return of the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 1:104:16-17).

We believe that the universal church is comprised of all true believers who have received salvation through Christ (Ephesians 1:22-23). We also believe in and encourage fellowship with a local church (Hebrews 10:25).

We believe that spiritual gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit are for the common good and building up of others today (1 Corinthians 12:7).

We believe that children too are lost and need to be saved (Romans 3.23).

We believe that children can believe in Christ, hence can be saved (Matthew 18.6).

We believe that reaching children is of utmost importance because Children are more open and receptive to the gospel than at any other time in their lives (Matthew 18.3).

We believe that reaching children is a part of the Great Commission because they are 30% - 40% of the entire population of the world (Mark 16.15).

We believe that God wants every child to be saved (Matthew 18.14).

We believe in the resurrection of the just and the unjust; one to everlasting life and one to everlasting damnation (Matthew 25:46).